Sample of the index

Abadan, Iran 13
Abercrombie, Sir Patrick 37
Abundant City 132
accountability 94–5
Adelaide, Australia 91, 100, 133
Advanced Local Energy Planning
......(ALEP) 125
AEG 130
affluenza 68
Afghanistan 28, 32
...advanced 66
...and climate change 78
...defossilisation 131
...initiatives 47
...local 98
...regional 98
...residues 156 31
...urban 9, 106, 147, 249 32
...see also farming
air conditioning 35, 142,
......143, 145, 151, 168, 197
air heat 156
air pollution 175, 222
...and dirty power sources 3, 11 fossil fuel city 137
...and health 16, 52
...local 127
...London smogs 45
...particulate 21
...and petroleum/nuclear energy
......reduction 139
...and sunlight 61
...winter 144
air traffic 15, 42, 125–6, 132
airports 25
Akagawa, H 147, 148, 161
albedo values 144, 145
Aleklett, K 30, 134
Algeria 112
Algiers: plan Obus 36
Allen Consulting Group 73, 74, 80
Alpensolar 168
Alt, F 126, 169, 177, 178, 179
alternative energy 5, 254, 257
American Association of
......Geographers (AAG): Global
......Change and Local Places ......initiative 125
American Broadcasting Corporation
......(ABC) 38
American Planning Association
......(APA) 63

Amsterdam: Vondelpark 146
Angkor, Cambodia 26, 67
animals, city-dwelling 149
anthropogenic CO2-equivalent
emissions 17
antinuclear movement 7
apartments, modern 104–5
Appraisal Journal 186
aquatic heat 156
aquifers 104, 150
Archer, CL 173
Ardila, A 140
area licensing scheme (ALS) 138–9
Arias, C 139, 140
Arlinghoff, R 112
Arnold, JA 143
Arrhenius, Svante 65
AS (Standards Australia) 73
Ashton, TS 6
Asia Minor: port structures 131
Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean
......Development and Climate 20
Aspen, Colorado 181–2, 188–9
...Municipal Utility 182
Association for the Study of Peak
......Oil and Gas 30
Athens 2
Aubrey, C 173
Austin, Texas 119–20
Australia 16 the Asia Pacific Partnership 20
...backlash campaigns against
...renewable energy 21
...carbon-trade geared afforestation
...efforts 19 (1990s) 47
...and Cities for Climate Protection
...campaign 97 21
...coal purchasing contracts
......with China 96 global waste dump 20 23
...growing sustainable business
......directories 91
...a major uranium exporter 20 25
...Mandatory Renewable Energy ......Target (MRET) 166
...and national emissions control
...per-capita emissions 125 ghost towns 67
...and Renewable City buildings
......rating tools 193
...Solar Cities programme 100, 164,
...temperature change 74–5

Weather damage to cities and coastal communities has dramatically increased over the past decades; changes attributed to global climate change induced by fossil fuel combustion. This post-hurricane view looks east towards central New Orleans on the morning of Tuesday, 30 August 2005: urban life altered by a climate-change boosted agent of destruction: Katrina.

photo © Smiley N. Pool